Borderlands 2 T-Shirt Design Contest

2K wants you to rock the Borderlands 2 style and design the very most badassest t-shirt you can. The grand prize is a copy of Borderlands 2 signed by the Gearbox developers, your design will (probably) get printed on shirts and sold, and you’ll get five of the shirts. Four runners up get one of the winning t-shirts to congratulate them for being pretty good while also providing them with a reminder that someone else was just a little better.

I gotta say my initial reaction was, “Fuck yeah, a signed copy and people wearing the t-shirt I made? Bragging rights like whoa.” But after taking a step back, and scanning the official rules a bit, I don’t know if I’m entirely in favor of this kind of contest.

Don’t get me wrong, it’d be a nice feather in your cap, and you would certainly have said bragging rights. But if 2K puts your design on shirts, sells them, and makes a lot of money off your design, your compensation amounts to an approximate retail value of $135. The rules also state that entering the contest means you not only waive all rights to any art you submit, but 2K is under no obligation to acknowledge you as the designer either. That’s a pretty big bummer.

All that being said, I still might take a whack at this. How about you?

[You can click the image below to go directly to the contest page, or you can check it out through the Borderlands Facebook Page.]