No New Xbox At E3

PC Magazine reported today that emails from Microsoft’s David Dennis stated that there will be no new hardware this year. PC Magazine quoted him saying:

“We can confirm that there will be no talk of new Xbox hardware at E3 or anytime soon,” Microsoft’s David Dennis said in an emailed statement on Friday. “For us, 2012 is all about Xbox 360, and it’s the best year ever for Xbox 360.”

Zombietron:I find myself a touch surprised at the announcement. PC Mag went on to describe the amount of money Microsoft is making on the 360 currently, and the other reasons as to why and it made plenty of sense. Another year isn’t too long of a wait, there are still a huge slew of great games coming out. I guess the BigShiny E3 trip can focus on the latest and greatest software, and not the hardware en route.

Juke-Bot: So this is sad news for all those who were looking to shell out loads of cash for the next big thing this holiday season, but hey you can still spring for the Wii U from Nintendo. Me, well I’m just happy to get another year where they are focusing on games and content for the system I already have. Also I’m secretly also glad they are waiting to put it out there, hopefully they can get most of the kinks out before releasing it this time, no more red rings in our future.

Shocked?! Angry?! Let us know below!