The Evil Dead Are Back: Watch the newly released redband trailer if you think you’ve got the stomach for it

If you’re reading this, chances are I don’t need to give you a background on The Evil Dead (1981). You know, one of the biggest horror cult classics of all time, which also launched the careers of Sam Raimi (Spiderman) and Bruce Campbell (…if you need me to list a movie here because you don’t know who Bruce Campbell is, go watch The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, and Army of Darkness for a start. Seriously, go. Now.).

Well the old producers-including Raimi, Campbell, and Robert Tapert–are heading back into the woods to reimagine it. If those three names weren’t attached to this film, I’d probably be upset by this news. But they are. Between that, and this horrific trailer, I’m cautiously optimistic. The director, Fede Alvarez, on the other hand, is a bit of a wildcard with only a quartet of shorts on his imdb page.

It looks like Raimi is going back to it because he can finally make the film he wanted to make in 1981: the one that will fill the theaters with the foul stench of fear-poop which will be occupying the audience’s fear-pissed pants. It seems they’re also redrawing some of the plot lines this time around. There are a ton of throwbacks to the original, as you’ll see in the trailer, but this won’t be a shot for shot and line for line remake. Also, if you’re only a fan of Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness, you may want to give this one a pass. If you’re looking for chuckles aplenty: a campy romp, this is not.

Huge warning: This trailer is, seriously, not for the weak of stomach of under of age. Evil Dead looks like it’s shaping up to be legitimately horrifying, and very, very gross. And yes, that scene makes an appearance in the trailer. You know the one I mean. Consider yourself warned.

Then, after you consider yourself warned, and double-check that you’re very much of legal age to see R-rated content, prepare for a goddamn splatterfest and a few moments that will definitely have you squirming in your seat. But please, save the fear-poop for the theatrical release.