Out Today on DVD 8/19

There are some really cool, interesting gems coming out today on DVD and more than a few titles I’m sure I’ll add to my collection as soon as is robotly possible.

First up this week?

Orson Welles’ Don Quixote.  Well, most of it anyway.  Welles spent almost 40 years piecing this film together here and there and everyone thought the project was nothing more than a dream until his assistant director shot a few more connecting pieces and threw the thing together.  I would doubt that this film represents Welles vision, but it certainly contains a lot of it, I’m sure.  This is one for the film history books.

Next today is a special edition release of Oliver Stone’s Nixon.  I’m sure they’re releasing it to feed off of the hype from “W”, which looks like it could be Stone’s first great film in years.  Anthony Hopkins got an Academy Award nomination for his portrayal, so for you dumb-asses not interesting the history of the leaders who’ve raped our country, at least there’s a good performance in there for you.

A made-for-tv movie, Recount, is actually making this list this week.  Directed by Jay Roach and boasting a cast that includes Kevin Spacey, Tom Wilkinson, Laura Dern, John Hurt and Ed Begley, Jr., this made-for-TV-movie got some really good reviews and covers a period of time that was pretty fucking painful for anybody who was paying attention.  So, since I don’t have HBO, I’ve had to wait for the DVD…  which is coming out today…  otherwise…

Moving on. Justice League Season One is hitting Blu-ray players.  It’s a great show.  ‘Nuff said.

Pixar is also releasing a super-duper 8 film box-set that has great versions of all of their movies from Toy Story to Ratatouille…  I imagine they’re getting this out there in advance of Wall-E’s DVD release, which is going to spike sales through the roof.  I mean seriously, he’s a shiny robot.  He’s our people and he kicks a lot of ass.

I think that should do us for this week.

Until next time, Kill All Humans.