PREVIEW: X-Men: Magneto Testament #1 (of 5)


Marvel has provided us with a preview of X-Men: Magneto Testament #1 thats due out on September 10th, so of course we are throwing it up here for your viewing pleasure. It will be interesting to see if that Magneto origins movie that is supposedly in the works will borrow anything from this…

Before he was the Master of Magnetism and the most radical mutant rights activist mankind has ever seen – Magneto was just a boy growing up in Nazi Germany. In the Marvel Knights tradition of Spider-Man: Reign and Silver Surfer: Requiem comes X-Men: Magneto Testament #1 (of 5)! Witness the evolution of one of the most popular and controversial X-Men villains of all time! Superstar writer Greg Pak (World War Hulk, Incredible Hercules) is taking fans back to the year 1935 to show the difficulties and horrors Erik Lensherr faced growing up Jewish in Nazi occupied Germany. From award-winning artist Carmine Di Giandomenico (Daredevil: Batllin’ Jack Murdock), comes the definitive origin story of the Master of Magnetism! It all begins with a silver chain, a first crush, and a dictator’s rise to power…”
