REVIEW: Batgirl # 5: The other shoe has dropped!

This use to be the worst Batgirl that I knew of. But Adam Beechen has officially changed that forever. His new six part run of Batgirl, is easily the worst comic book I have read in recent history. If this can possible be spoiled for you then don’t read the rest of this post.

*Spoiler Alert!*

Issue five begins with Cassandra Cain stealing a plane from the Batcave, Nightwing tells her not to, jumps on the wing as it goes up, sticks a tracer on one of Batmans planes, and then parachutes off.

Scene two: Batman and Robin are in another plane chasing her, telling her to land, Cassandra Cain the martial artist does a smooth sky U-turn out manuvering Batman, getting on his flank and then shooting him down. She is so precise that she intentionally doesn’t kill them and forces them into chaseing her on dune buggys.

I don’t think I have anymore to say about it. The whole issue is exactly that bad. She finally meets up with David Cain at the end and he mysteriously reminds me of the noid. So what I’m trying to say is that the pencils in the book suck as well. J.Calafiore is definitely going on my “try to avoid” list.

The next issue is promising a “surprise ending!!” with two exclamation points!! I think you guys might see where I am going with this, but I’ll say it anyway. The only thing that could surprise me in the last issue is if it were good. And unless Adam Beechen is pulling a prank as large as the Y2K blackout theory, I don’t think that’s going to happen.  0 out of 3159 stars (my lowest ranking ever!!)

I would rather have my own robot mother give Hollywood Hulk Hogan  hot mouth sex, than read the last part of this series! –Slugtron