REVIEW: Supergirl #35

Secret origins for everyone!

Written by Sterling Gates

Art by Jamal Ingle

Another issue of Supergirl is good. It’s like hell has frozen over.

This issue had the particularly arduous task of cleaning up all of Supergirl’s conflicting origins (most pressingly the OMGDADDYSENTMETOKILLSUPEY one) and massive personality shifts. And it actually managed to pull it off spectacularly. A logical explanation is provided, and the confusion is put behind us. Even her crazy crystal powers are explained away and cured. And they manage to make it somewhat entertaining.

Though part of me giggled at how obvious a retcon it was. We literally had Zor-El (Kara’s father) list out all the things wrong with the current Supergirl. “Kara, are you shifting to one personality to another? Experiencing mood swings? Inability to concentrate? Conflicting memories? Psychotic outbursts? Crystalizing blood? Why, there’s something you can take for that!”

Nevertheless, I did enjoy this issue. It cleaned up the mess of the current Supergirl while furthuring the plot along at the same time. And I really like the art. The design of Superwoman’s costume (though I think the new Superwoman’s identity is glaringly obvious…we’ll see if I’m right) is very good, I love the blue mask white hood combo and the white S symbol is very striking. I kind of want either Superwoman to  stick around or this be Kara’s new costume, because it mimics Superman’s costume without looking like a carbon copy, is very stylish and *gasp* actually covers the girl’s entire body! Glory be, I didn’t think it was possible!
Also, I abosolutely adore the Ingle’s facial expressions. They are very, well, expressive. I’m loving this new team so far. Let’s hope they keep it up.