REVIEW: Invincible #55: Back on the Wagon!

There was a time that I had fallen off the Invincible boat, sure it was still one of my favorite comic books, but I didn’t think that it was as good as it had been. In fact it was so not as good that I wrote a sassy letter to Kirkman!!!! Which he ignored. The last few issues had been getting better and better, and now with issue #55 I feel like it’s up to full speed again.

This issue was radical, it had sex, killing, and a secret that literally blew the sock right off my cock, literally! Since I love this comic book so much I will avoid any sort of spoilers and just reiterate how cool I thought it was.

I believe that the awesomeness of this particular issue spawns from a revelation that has me darn excited about reading the next arc. Anyway, anyhow, anyone that isn’t reading this book is a moron. Because now that Kirkman isn’t on any Marvel books I think that all of his image books are going to be twice as cool, and as all of you math bots out there well know. Twice as cool is a lot.

Bargain priced for your convinence at $2.99 you might as well just pick it up today!

Invincible #55 punches you in the groin and then just keeps on twisting! (It’s a good thing!) –Slugtron