If you’ve been sitting in a corner holding your American Flag waiting for the return of B.J. Blazkowicz to save us from the Nazi army in your head it’s time you got up. On May 20, 2014 Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, PS3, and PS4 will get “Wolfenstein: New Order”.
Pre-ordering the game gives you more than the satisfaction of being early to the Nazi slaughter, but you are also given access to the “Doom” Beta. That’s a right folks, more Doom is coming and we will get a BETA! If you watch the “Boom, Boom” trailer below, you’re going to be given insight into what the game is really about. It isn’t about hardcore, serious action, with intense writing and a political message. This game is going to be a campy blood-soaked rush through an alternate 1960 where Nazi Germany won WWII. If you expect anything less from the game that originally ended with Mecha Hitler then you are to be sorely disappointed.
You folks excited? We sure are.