Who wants to play some Diplomacy with Swank?

So… There’s this game called Diplomacy, and it’s radical. It’s like Axis and Allies or Risk, but there are no dice involved. It’s played completely on the cunning of your written (or for the board game version) spoken word.

I’ve been looking into getting an online game going…

There’s a website called Play Diplomacy that you can play online via email and stuff… but I don’t want to play with complete strangers… So I was thinking, some of you bastards might like to play with me.

So, go here: http://www.playdiplomacy.com/referrer.php?ref_id=15103

Register and we’ll start playing.

It’s not terribly time consuming.. We can have turns every day or every week, (I would bet with busy schedules, closer to weekly would be best…. Maybe every three days?) but, it’s a simple game and really, all you need to do is be able to lie to people or make them like you via email…

It’s more cerebral than WoW, that’s for sure, and unlike WoW, I would bet that you could play this at work.  Most of what you do is email other players.

So, who’s with me?

UPDATE: I started a game.  It’s titled “Swank” and the password is “geekshow”.

I demand that 6 more people join immediately so we can play.

UPDATE 2: Here’s some more info about Diplomacy.  It was JFK and Henry Kissinger’s favorite game.  Walter Cronkite is a fan, too.

UPDATE 3: The game is full, but I started another game with the name “Swank 2” with the password “geekshow2″….  Just so everyone who still wants to play, can.