Video Game Quick Hits 7/29/11

Welcome to the last edition of VGQH for July. This month has seen a lot of news come and go. Fans at Comic-Con finally got their hands on some video games that were shown only to the press last month at E3. Games have been delayed, games have moved, Bobby Kotick made an ass of himself again. Well, those last three are typical of any month. But Comic-Con was cool, right?

Anyway, I’ve been passively following the story about Australia’s possible R18+ rating since I first heard it had a chance several months ago. The latest update is that the Standing Council of Attorneys-General have reached an “in-principle” agreement. New South Wales is the only Australian state abstaining from the agreement, as they are awaiting consultation with their cabinet. The state of South Australia had plans to introduce its own R18+ rating but has since delayed those plans in hopes the rest of the country would be on board as well. This additional rating classification would mean fewer banned (Mortal Kombat) or censored (Fallout 3) titles while still providing parents with the information necessary to insure children are not exposed to games with inappropriate themes or excessive violence. I’m thrilled to see this progression in Australian law even though it affects me in no personal way.

If you’ve played the long-awaited Duke Nukem Forever, you’ve seen how much it relies on parody. Making that just a little more obvious is the first batch of DLC for the game, the “Hail to the Icons Parody Pack.” This multiplayer pack is scheduled for this fall and will be free to First Access Club members who joined before the game’s release. The pack includes three new modes (Freeze Tag, Hot Potato, and Hail to the King) and four spoofy maps: Call of Duke, Sandbox (Halo), Inferno (Doom), and 2Forts1Bridge (Team Fortress 2). Duke has never been truly known for its originality and this game serves to highlight that more than any other. I wonder if this parody pack takes it a little too far though. All it’s really highlighting is that Gearbox can’t be bothered to make original content.

Next up in media crossover world is a novel tie-in to Dead Island, coming from Bantam in September. The novel, written by Mark Morris, will release September 6th, the same day as the game. A full synopsis is not yet available, but it would appear the novel will give a deeper understanding of the zombie outbreak as well as follow the main characters into their survival ordeal after the zombocalypse.

For all of those Worms lovers, good news. Worms Ultimate Mayhem will be coming to XBLA, PSN, and PC later this year. The new release combines HD overhauls of Worms 3D and Worms 4: Mayhem into one package. All of the original content will be included, along with new content and four player online.

After hearing about the Resident Evil 4 and Code Veronica X HD remakes headed our way, fans have been waiting for the price announcement. It’s here, and it’s about what you expected. They’ll be $20 each, retail or download, when they release on September 20th and 27th, respectively. Both games will have all their extras, with RE4 including the Ada Wong “Separate Ways” epilogue and Code Veronica X being based the definitive PS2 version.

Remember that announcement from Rockstar last month about upcoming DLC for Red Dead Redemption? I haven’t forgotten and my curiosity’s been piqued. We now have more details. The “Myths and Mavericks” pack is coming in September and it will be free! Doesn’t look to include any new single-player content, but it will have some new multiplayer skins (including Landon Ricketts), and new locations for Death Match, Grab Bag, and more. This is a great bonus if you’re still using the game’s multiplayer. If not, maybe it’s a reason to come back to an old favorite.

THQ recently announced the end of the Red Faction franchise. Poor sales (and mediocre reviews) of the latest title, Armageddon, means this IP has run its course for the publisher. Trying to boost hype for Armageddon, THQ released the downloadable Battlegrounds, which also sold poorly. Unlike otehr publishers, THQ does not appear to be shutting down the developer, Volition. This is certainly due to Volition’s other top franchise, Saints’ Row, whose third title is coming in November. The Red Faction team has been reassigned to work on Guillermo Del Toro’s upcoming inSANE.

Doublesix Games has announced All Zombies Must Die!, the spiritual succesor to Burn Zombie Burn! will be coming in late 2011. Bucking the typical downloadable game trend, it will come to PSN and PC first, following up on XBLA at a later date. Featuring four player co-op arena combat (and some light RPG elements), you’ll play as an Alien, Gamer, Girl, or Mad Scientist while you destroy zombies in al their forms – including dogs, rabbits, and other things you would normally deem too cute to blast with a homemade Magma rifle. Sounds like an excellent drinking game.

While it is starting to look like NFL fans will actually get a season this year, EA’s got a way for you to ignore the negotiations and get focused on the game, starting August 9th. That’s when the Madden 12 demo will hit your online service. That means three weeks to experience the game before it launches on August 30th. The rosters for the two playable teams, Green Bay and Chicago, will be a little outdated because of the lockout’s recent resolution. EA is promising a launch day update to address the roster issues.

Insomniac is talking dates for the Resistance 3 multiplayer beta. When you get access depends on how special you are. Not exactly, but it does have a phasing rollout. If you have one of the “specially marked packages” of SOCOM 4, you can redeem your beta code starting August 4th. The next phase goes to European PS+ subscribers on August 10th. PS+ subscribers from the US will get in on the action starting August 23rd. The beta is capped at level 20 but you’ll get two major maps, the Glamorgan Seaside in Wales and Bogota Trainyard. Team Deathmatch and Chain Reaction will be your beta modes. The full game also includes Breach, Capture the Flag, and Deathmatch. You won’t get all of the unlockables in only twenty levels, but you will be able to customize your loadout and character appearance. If it doesn’t look like you’re getting invited to the beta, don’t worry. The game is scheduled for full release September 6th.

That’s the last of the general gaming news. If you’ve been considering a 3DS but are undecided, Arse-Bot may be able to convince you. Other than that, enjoy your weekend. I’ll be helping a friend move then hopping a fun bus to Wendover. If we have time after my niece’s borthday party I’m planning to stop by Brewvies on Sunday for Geek Show Movie Night. Shannon and Jeff of Geek Show Podcast are hosting Godzilla 2000 and Jurassic Park. If you’re looking for some good beer and a couple of free monster/dinosaur movies, there’s your plan. See you next Tuesday.