Video Game Quick Hits 7/12/13

I’m not quite sure what to make of the Payday 2 Collector’s Edition bonuses. All those loonies that complain video game violence incites real world violence get just a little too much fodder from this one. This edition, available for pre-order at the normal $59.99, contains the usual soundtrack but it also includes a pair of what look to be blue nitrile gloves and the iconic red, white, and blue clown mask from the series. So it’s just what you need to actual perform a bank heist without leaving fingerprints or getting recognized. It also comes with a novelty wallet that looks like a stack of $100 bills. So you can at least look like a criminal after you buy the game, though you’d probably want to pick up a gun or six in order to pull off the jobs you’ll be doing in-game. This release August 13, 2013.

Users of the beta for the new XBox interface have had some trouble with their Microsoft Points converting to real money. According to a few reports, customers have tried to spend 1200MSP on a game or DLC only to have their funds instantly converted to real money, which should be the equivalent of 1200MSP, only to find they are short of funds. The reports I have found all seem to come from the EU, so it may not actually be a problem in the US, but it’s worth noting. Examples I have seen show that a 1600MSP game costs 15 Euro, but the users 1600MSP in their account is converting to 13.33 Euro. It breaks down fairly consistently through lower levels (1200=12E but converts to 10E, 400=4.5E but converts to 3.33E, etc.). This is a beta, and Microsoft has acknowledged the issue along with plans to fix it and reimburse customers as necessary. Which is, frankly, the point of beta testing. However, I wouldn’t recommend adding a pile of points to your account right now if it’s not necessary. The real money conversion will be happening for realsies this Fall.

Japan-o-philes, please make sure you’re sitting down for this before reading. I don’t want anyone getting hurt. Goichi Suda (Suda 51), the auteur behind Killer is Dead, Lollipop Chainsaw, and others is teaming up with the creator of Akira, Katsuhiro Otomo, on a side-scroller from Namco Bandai. The game, called Ranko Tsukigime’s Longest Day, will be based on Otomo’s latest film, Short Peace. The film is actually a composite of four short films and is releasing later this month. The game is considered the fifth component and will be a PS3 exclusive, though I don’t have a confirmed release date. Gameplay is being described as 2D side-scrolling “high-speed effect action” using “effects” to take down enemies in modern Japan.

Tetsuya Nomura, creator of the series, has teased that we may see Star Wars characters in Kingdom Hearts III. I wouldn’t expect it, but it is a possibility. I evaluate rumors like this by how the question arises. If someone had asked him on Twitter if it would be happening, he’s obviously going to give a vague answer so he can leave people hopeful. But if he raises the question himself, it shows he has a genuine interest. In this case, Nomura brought it up which means he’s definitely interested. But, the general assumption is that this game may be nearing completion and that would mean the Disney acquisition probably happened too late for its inclusion. Even when bringing it up, Nomura was quick to add that there are a lot of restrictions with Disney and that it may not happen, despite having great potential. Time will tell, but if it comes at all, I’d expect it to be DLC and probably not a major story event. If nothing else, I’d love to see some of the mash-up action figures that have been done be turned into alternate costumes. Jedi Mickey skin? Dark Trooper Donald? Yeah!

The first piece of Season Pass DLC for Metro: Last Light is set for release next week. The Faction Pack adds three new single-player missions. Each mission puts the player in the shoes of a different specialist. The Special Detachment Sniper of the Redline will try to infiltrate an outpost at night. The Reich “Heavy” will defend the frontline with some of the hardest hitting weapons in the game. The Polis Ranger will be exploring a Library for artifacts and treasure. The Faction Pack will be $4.99, or you can buy it and the other three planned packs as the Season Pass for $14.99.

Insomniac and Sony have announced Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus will be coming this holiday season. Brian Allgeier (Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time) is Creative Director. According to Community Manager James Stevenson, “Into the Nexus has a bunch of crazy new weapons and gadgets. Gravity is one of the themes of Into the Nexus: you’ll experience zero-g space, you’ll use gravity-defying new gadgets, and you’ll manipulate gravity to solve brand new Clank puzzles.” It is also their “biggest downloadable Ratchet & Clank game yet, dwarfing the size of both Quest For Booty and Full Frontal Assault.”

Just in case you were wondering, pre-order incentives aren’t going anywhere next generation. In fact, the bonuses for ordering Killzone: Shadow Fall were revealed this week. The Shadow Pack DLC includes exclusive OWL Skins, multiplayer Spotlight Move (for humiliating your kills), and the Official Soundtrack. So, a fairly standard bonus for a day one buy. No release date announced yet, but this is coming to PS4 sometime this year.

It’s not really news that Crytek has canceled Redemption, a game that was first revealed in 2011, but the reason is so laughable I just can’t help but repeat it. CEO Cevat Yerli was inspired to make the game after not being able to find his niece (no, that’s not the funny part). So they started making a third person shooter that sees the player character trying to protect Jelena, an AI companion. Yerli says this would have been something like a cross between The Last of Us and Crysis 2. Apparently play testers found the companion so annoying they just wanted to (or tried to) shoot her in the face. Not the reaction you want. According to Yerli, “At that point we knew – or I knew – this [was a] project we could not pull off yet. We don’t have the technology and the capabilities here. Not just the company, but the industry as a whole.” I may have to disagree with his logic. Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us have shown that likable AI companions are very possible in the industry. Still, if you know your game won’t compare favorably with those two, it’s probably best to drop it before you spend any more money.

Apparently Tekken Revolution has been doing quite well as a free to play fighter on PS3. Well enough they want to add three new characters. Namco has ten concepts to choose from for the three characters, and they want you to decide. They’ve got a poll up on Facebook and your votes will pick who gets added. Each possibility comes from some corner of the vast Tekken lore or was once considered for a past game but for any number of reasons. I’ll list the basic description but not the details, so check here for more information and vote here.

  • Sexy Female Tekken Force Character
  • Syake/Salmon
  • Female Vampire
  • Shin Kamiya
  • Tougou
  • Zombie Bride
  • Female Paul
  • Giant Praying Mantis
  • Average, run-of-the-mill Old Man
  • Ganmi-chan

Looks like that’s all for this week. Have a great weekend.