Video Game Quick Hits 3/9/2012

First, if you haven’t read Ticelli Bot’s Journey review you definitely should. This is the latest from thatgamecompany and it’s getting high praise. As I mentioned in my comment, I want to play the game but it’s timing is poor and it will have to wait.

I say the timing is poor because it released, for PS+, the same day as Mass Effect 3. Why is that a problem? Because that game is consuming all of my time. Read my incomplete review, my experiences in the first three days but not having completed the game, for more information.

In other news, GDC 2012 has been happening this week, but nothing huge in the way of announcements has made it across my desk. It seems everyone is saving the big reveals for E3. However, David Cage of Quantic Dream did show off Kara. It’s not a game yet, more of a way to make them, but it’s pretty amazing. Check out the video running on PS3 hardware.

Namco Bandai has announced a street date for the recently delayed third-person shooter, Inversion. It was scheduled for February and obviously missed that goal. The new release date is June 5th. If you like gravity defying shooters, mark your calendars.

It seems Valve’s plan from last August over-stepped their technical capabilities a little. Many PSN users were thrilled to hear that Counter-Strike: Global Offensive would have cross-platform multiplayer with PC and Mac users on Steam. Thanks to their experience with the beta, this plan has been scrapped. It’s disappointing, but that’s why they have betas. According to Valve’s Chet Faliszek, “the beta has proved we want to update not just the beta, but the game itself post-launch frequently on the PC. To do that we need to separate the platforms so one doesn’t hamstring the other. So for that, we have removed the idea of cross-platform play – essentially make all platforms stronger by not mixing them.” I’m wondering which one was the real limiting factor, but it doesn’t really matter. If they feel all versions will be better through separation then I’m trusting them. This is Valve after all.

Medal of Honor: Warfighter has slowly been building up press power. While there’s nothing major to report today as far as gameplay or other surprises there is a release date. This one is coming October 23, 2012.

If you love EA FPS you probably want to get a little more action before MoH in fall. That’s why they’ve announced three new Battlefield 3 expansions, starting in June. The “Close Quarters” pack will bring new weapons, assignments and dog tags for an infantry-only mode. “Armored Kill” goes the opposite direction, bringing new driveable tanks, ATVs, mobile artillery and more to huge battlefields, making for an outrageous vehicle assault. This pack will also include the biggest map in Battlefield history. Finally, “End Game” is scheduled for this winter, but no details are yet available.

Dead or Alive 5 has also gotten a release window, though not an exact date. Your jiggly fighting action begins this September. It was recently announced that Akira of the Tekken franchise would be making a guest appearance. He may not be the only one though, as Yousuke Hayashi has hinted that his pestering of SEGA may result in more Tekken appearances.

I don’t know how many of you will remember Linger in Shadows. It was a strange sort of interactive video that released very cheaply on PSN several years ago. I’m not even sure I’d call it a proper video game but it was very interesting. (It’s still there, of course. You should try it if you haven’t already.) Well, the minds behind that one have been working for two years on a project to utilize the Move controller. Datura will be coming later this year, but no firm date is available yet. It sounds like it might also be as bizarre as their last outing but will have more “gaming” elements. Players will use the Move to controller the hand in the game, touching trees. faces, and other objects. There will also be some sort of narrative where the player will need to make choices. The choices are designed with the intention of creating anxiety and having to deal with the consequences. It sounds interesting and I’m looking forward to hearing more about it.

While we’re on the subject of Move, Sony has announced that they’ve sold over 10 million of the things. I had no idea it was that successful, as I barely use mine. They’ve also finally announced a release date, May 22nd, for Sorcery. This was one of the earliest titles announced for the peripheral and by far the most interesting. Players take control of Finn, a sorceror’s apprentice, and cast spells with his wand through controlling the Move. Unfortunately, the art style has evolved since it was first announced at E3 many moons ago. The visuals have taken on a more realistic flair and embedded it a little further into the fantasy, medieval world you would expect., an online games retailer may have let the cat out of the bag on four upcoming Vita titles. Four new games were listed for a few minutes before being hastily taken down. The four titles were Final Fantasy Type-O HD, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Nights, Monster Hunter Portable 3, and Tales of Innocence R. None of these are confirmed by their developers or publishers so they’re all just rumor for now. However, leaks of this kind happen often and they’re rarely false. In the meantime, GTA on Vita? Just so you know, Sony, if that happens I guarantee you at least one more Vita sold.

How did you feel about the endings of Final Fantasy XIII-2? Would you like to know the “hidden truth?” It looks like you’ll be finding that truth in the story DLC based on Lightning that’s coming in May. Still waiting on pricing and an exact date. In the meantime, the Jihl Nabaat DLC has confirmed for release on March 13th for $2.99.