Video Game Quick Hits

I’ve found another batch of rumors and tidbits if you’re into geek gaming. As always, it’s a mixed bag of good, bad and meh.

First up, Sega’s video game based on the upcoming Thor film will feature the voices of Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, Thor and Loki respectively. This doesn’t mean it will be good. After all, it’s a Sega movie game. It just means it will have good voicework in the midst of the suckitude.

This is sort of old news at this point but some of you might need reminding. Remember Marvel Ultimate Alliance? Remember that DLC that gave you some sim missions and characters like Magneto and Cable? Well, there is something wrong with the licensing for the DLC which means they have to stop selling it. It will be pulled from the usual sources (XBox marketplace, PSN Store, etc.) on January 1st. It’s about $10 and probably worth it if you’re still playing the game. Get it soon or not at all.

Most of you know that there is a downloadable, episodic Back to the Future game coming soon. But did you know Christopher Lloyd is voicing Doc Brown? And did you know the first trailer is out.

Finally, you should know about the upcoming Marvel Pinball game for PSN (Dec. 14th, $9.99). They’ve released new screenshots of the Wolverine table and it looks pretty good. Now I just have to decide if virtual pinball on Playstation is actually going to be fun.