Video Game Quick Hits 10/16/12

I can’t believe October is half-over. The good news about that is only being two weeks away from Assassin’s Creed III and Assassin’s Creed: Liberation. This has been a favorite franchise for me this generation. It’s had some highs and lows. I’m really hoping this third numbered entry takes the series back to the quality of the second game. I’m kind of a Revolutionary War buff anyway so it’s right up my alley. I doubt it will get so specific as to see Connor taking down redcoats with a brown Bess, but it’s bound to hit up my inner Indiana Jones again. But, that’s still two weeks away yet, we’re here for news.

Fighting game junkies may be interested in the upcoming “Version 2013” title update to Street Fighter x Tekken. The rebalance is slated for mid-December. The free update will make some pretty significant changes. Here’s the list:

  • System Changes
  • Standard throws are faster, now with a 5F start-up (versus the previous 7F start-up).
  • Anti-air techniques for Tekken characters improved.
  • Recoverable health regenerates more slowly, reducing timeouts.
  • Recoverable health has a more distinct color.
  • Cinematic camera during Boost Combos changed. Battles have a speedier feel.
  • Visual effect while Gems are active has been changed.
  • Quicker disappearance of “Fight” message at the start of each round.
  • Character Balancing
  • Ken: “Shippu Jinraikyaku” has greater forward movement, increased damage.
  • Kazuya: “EX Wind God Fist” has full invincibility from start to end of active frames.
  • M. Bison: “Knee Press Nightmare” is projectile-invincible.
  • Bob and Paul: Walk speed is faster.

If you’re more interested in new games than title updates for games that have been out for seven months, Pid now has a release date for XBLA. The press release says it’s a “a cinematic adventure for the ages” that will require “precision platforming” and “exhilarating puzzle-solving.” Which is just marketing gibberish. You should know that it comes from many of the same team that brough you Bionic Commando: Rearmed, which was great. It’ll run you 800 MSP on October 31st. Perfect game for turning up real loud and ignoring trick-or-treaters, eh?

Surprising no one, Halo 4 has leaked ahead of its November 6th release date. Some videos made it up on YouTube but got yanked. I’m not going to repost any of the spoilers but I will confirm that the multiplayer component will be on a second disc but can be installed. Also, if you’re thinking of getting in on this leaked action, maybe think twice. Anyone Microsoft catches is getting a permanent ban for “prerelease title play.” I advise patience.

I would really love to see some proper information about High Moon Studios’ upcoming Deadpool game. But, they’re just trickling little pieces instead, so I’m going to continue leaping on them and wishing for more. While we still only know that the game will be out in 2013, we now know of a second female character set to appear opposite the Merc with a Mouth. (Psylocke was previously announced, but you might have forgotten since information about this game is so scarce.) Apparently Deadpool will share some screen time with X-Force’s Domino. Is she an opponent, an ally? She’s been both in the comics. I don’t know! But I do know her concept art is pretty awesome:

I’ve played an older beta of PlayStation All-Star Battle Royale and was unimpressed. Then again, its Nintendo cousin (and obvious inspiration) never did much for me either. I’ve heard there’s a newer, better beta going around. I havne’t bothered, but PS Plus members will get their shot at the latest with “public” beta this week. It becomes truly public next week, after Plus members get their exclusive first look. Much liek the earlier version I played, you’ll be able to access Kratos, Sweet Tooth, Colonel Radec, Sly Cooper, PaRappa and Fat Princess in the Hades and Metropolis stages. Four-player free for all tournaments and 2v2 matches will be included in the beta. For 2v2, you will be able to invite a friend and play against another team of people who may actually know each other. The beta is only available until October 30th and the full game releases November 20th.

The Astronauts, a studio formed from former People Can Fly staff, hasn’t said exactly what their first game will be. But they have said what it’s not. It will not be a shooter, though it will be on Epic’s Unreal Engine 3. A post on the official site is quite clear:

“Guys, we are not making a shooter. Let us repeat that: we are not making a shooter.

“And it’s actually silly to talk about ‘yet another Unreal Engine game’ when some of the best, most unique games in the world are made with exactly that particular tech (Bioshock, Mass Effect, Dishonored, etc.)”

As mentioned last week, today will see a new storefront for PSN. But today sees the releae of a new look for their competitors over at XBox 360 as well. The XBox Live Dashboard is updating today as well. Don’t be surprised if you don’t see it right away. Microsoft will be rolling it out to at least three million users within the next 24 hours, with everyone else expected to see the update in the next “couple of weeks.” Here are a few changes you can expect to see, according to Microsoft’s Major Nelson: refreshed Dashboard, Internet Explorer, recommendations and ratings, pinning, XBox Video (formerly Zune video Marketplace), Recent content function, and Enhanced and International expansion to Voice Search.

You know a game’s got staying power when they’re set to release a major DLC expansion a year after the game hit shelves. The corps of PC code rooters have snooped into the latest patch for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim to find a few files labeled “DLC2” and “Dragonborn.” I’m not one that does these things, and wouldn’t actually know how, so take this with a grain of salt. I’m believing the reports for now. Apparently, within these files, are dragon riding animations. Does this mean the DLC will let you actually mount up on one of these scaly giants and ride it around? Looks that way. Also revealed are several locations featured in the add-on. Solstheim and Raven Rock are normal locations in Skyrim. Telvanni, however, is one of the six great houses in Morrowind, an area of Tamriel we haven’t seen since The Elder Scrolls III. Speaking of Morrowind, the third game’s “Bloodmoon” DLC featured a giant creature called Karstaag. Another location listed is Karstaag Castle. While the monster has been seen before, the castle is apparently new. Other notables in the code are a few new types of armor and the line “$DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT_PS3 DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT.” That last part is notable only because no DLC for Skyrim has made its way to PS3 for technical reasons. Bethesda is reportedly trying to address those technical issues, and this line at least indicates they’re being optimistic about it.

That’s it for the early edition this week. Check back on Friday to see what else comes up.