UPDATE: Double Fine Adventure

If you love point-and-click adventures, or even enjoy creative gaming ideas. Then you’re no stranger to Double Fine’s newest project. Instead of publisher backing, Tim Schaffer and team set a seemingly lofty goal of raising $400,000 through kickstarter, within 8 hours they hit that goal and are currently sitting at $1,877,815. In an email update to his backers, Mr. Schaffer announced that the game will now have voice over work in English, and that the text will be translated into E.F.I.G.S: English, French, Italian, German and, Spanish. The project will be beta tested by the backers through Steam, and upon release, those who backed the project will be able to receive a DRM free version of the game for their enjoyment. I won’t put my piracy views on the line, but 1.8 million dollars says that they’re not concerned about that issue. The game itself has been expanded to release on some Android phones, Linux, Pc, Mac, and iOS. I’m a touch jealous, 1.8 million in 6 days? This game will have to be good.

Below is the video Double Fine sent to backers, did you donate to the cause? Comment after the video.