REVIEW: Wii Punch Out

I picked up the new punch out a few weeks ago now, can’t really say why I didn’t get something written up earlier. Either way, here we go.

I can’t speak for every robot out there, but I was a gigantic nerd for the first Punch-Out on the NES. (Except not big enough of a nerd to even punch Mike Tyson, or Mr. Dream, let alone knock them down.) I have played through the NES game twice this year already, which is what I love the most about it. The fact that it is fun to pick up and play over and over again.

When I found out it was coming to the Wii my first impression was disgust. Fore I thought it would be a standing in front of your television, wriggling on a balance board, shadow punching at your screen nightmare. I know that the physical activity is one of the reasons the Wii is so cool, but this isn’t one of the reasons I bought one at all. I play video games to relax, and looking stupid, pretending I’m holding a sword on one foot, isn’t relaxing to me at all. I was pleased to find out this was not the case at all. The game allows you to do choose your controls so you can make it as wacky or as simple as you like. (I’ve heard the balance board functions doesn’t work very well.)

So not only does the game look like a nice semi-3-d version of the NES game, it can also play a lot like it too. The blocking is a bit more complicated, but it is basically the same thing. Other than a few characters, it’s just about the same opponents you’ve already faced, and most of them play through very similarly. Another aspect I really like about this game, is something most games these days don’t have the balls to do, which is an extremely short playtime. Not as short as the original mind you, but I easily beat this game in a single day.

To some people a low play time is a disadvantage, but it’s still progressively, moderately challenging. The end boss is Mr.Sandman, which seems strange, but he is clearly the toughest fighter in the game, and it takes a fair amount of skill and frustration to get him knocked down the first time. But like any other fair challenge, it’s a real pleasure when you finally overcome it.

Finally if you are a hard-core gamer that wants his or her thumbs to bleed before you vanquish a game, there is a second play through mode that is a lot harder. And I’ve heard from a reliable source that with perseverance you can also fight Donkey Kong at the end of the journey, whom is allegedly ridiculously tough.

All I can say is, it’s quite fun. I’ve casually played through it three times already, and haven’t even worried about the extra content, which is vast. If you’re one of those guys that likes the way games used to be, this is the game for you. And if you’re one of those idiots that likes standing on a balance board, holding a Wii remote above your head, pretending your fly fishing, this games for you too.