REVIEW: Nintendo 3DS XL

The Nintendo 3DS XL came out here in the states a little over a week ago. I have taken the last week to really spend some quality time with it. Nintendo was smart enough to release a brand new Mario Brothers game on the same day as the XL. Giving us all a reason to not only buy the new console, but play it for a good chunk of time after.

The first and most obvious pro is simply the size of this 3DS. While other technology companies are making their gadgets smaller and smaller, Nintendo said, “Nay! We will go the way of fast food and make this bigger and possibly more fattening!” The most obvious super-sized feature are the larger screens.Each of them 90% larger.

The second big one for me are the upgraded buttons. The three buttons beneath the touch screen have been turned into larger clickable buttons. Rather than those from the original 3DS seemingly hidden under 1/8″ of plastic. Another improvement is on the 3D slider. There is a noticeable click and lock when the slider is turned all the way to off.

And last but not least, I noticed a much longer battery life. Keep in mind, I had the 3D turned off and the volume turned down the majority of the time I played. The battery lasted me roughly 6 to 8 hours. It took a couple evenings of three to four hour gameplay before it needed some juice. With the previous 3DS, I was having to plug it in by the end of any extended play session.

All and all I love this model much more than the last. I like the heavier weight and button placement. Much more comfortable for those longer gaming sessions. The XL also has a sexy matte finish instead of the glossy semi-gradient that collected more fingerprints than a private dick. I can only foresee two situations where this version wouldn’t be worthwhile. The first, if the main user is a child. The new XL could be a  little unwieldy for them. The second would be if you bought the original 3DS for $250. Spending another $200 on Nintendo right away could feel a little expensive.

To Nintendo’s credit, making the switch was very easy. I was able to transfer all of my Ambassador titles quickly and easily over wi-fi. And I even had a brand new Mario game to play on day one. If you are in the market for a 3DS and you can afford the extra $30, I highly recommend the XL.