REVIEW: Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues

Of all the Lego games that have been released, I must say that the Indiana Jones franchise has been my favorite.  I know, I know.  That might sound crazy coming out of the mouth of someone like me who is an unabashed Star Wars fan, but the Indiana Jones Lego games have done it just a little better.  The game play is a little more fluid, the puzzles a little more challenging, and the different sorts of tools you need for each different job worked a lot better for me.  And the whip.  Let’s not forget the whip.

Lego Indiana Jones 2 contains all of the content from the original Lego Indiana Jones release which covers the original films and adds a whole boat of extra content.  First, you’re getting the most important addition, an intensely detailed in-game version of the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull adventure and all the associated characters that go with it.  The humor that draws most people to the original is intact (in fact, it starts off with that race across the Nevada Desert, but this time with a Lego Ice Cream Man and his truck getting in on the action to hilarious results) and the game play is pretty much the same with one notable difference.  In this version of the game, you don’t just automatically swing on object or hit them with your whip or gun.  You have to aim with your  wii-mote.  It makes things slightly more challenging and fun.

As far as this entry into the Lego series goes, they’ve thrown everything at this one, including the kitchen sink.  There’s new and expanded playability in all the levels I thought I knew, there’s the map builder (which I haven’t quite figured out yet) and all the same unlockables that you’ve come to expect from a Lego game.

This game is a lot more fun than the Batman game (which I found to be a little tedious and boring, to be honest, and I love Batman almost as much as Star Wars) and is a lot more well-rounded than Star Wars (which I love more than just about anything.)  In short, I really feel like Lego Indiana Jones 2 is the pinnacle of Lego video games.

• Graphics – 8
• Audio – 10 (for the music and the grunting dialogue)
• Gameplay – 10
• Replay – 10
Overall – 9.5

It would be wise of you to purchase this game on Amazon, right this second.