REVIEW: Iron Man 2 The Game: XB360, PS3

When the Iron Man 2 dev team was fired days after the game went gold, I thought Sega was cold, heartless, unfair. Then I played the Iron Man 2 game and only 2 questions came to mind, did Sega set them up to fail? Or are they really this bad at making games? The delay in me writing this review, ( I gave up on finishing this game in disgust 10 days ago). Came from the sheer fact that writing about the 4 hours I wasted almost finishing Iron Man 2 still stung, and honestly, I had to cool off, or I’d end up writing Sega a lengthy letter a demanding those four hours of my life back.

Iron Man 2 is a gleeful bait and switch through the entire game, (well the 80% I played before I felt that I had been punished enough.) Great flight controls that made me feel as if I could go anywhere in the game, if only I weren’t barred in either by a wall of bad guys, or buildings, or those damned invisible walls that games are so famous for.

The actual models for Iron Man and War Machine looked great, seeing them on the title screen when I first booted this cock-tease of a game up made me really excited, and then the actual in game cinematics began, and the explosions began, and I found myself wondering if I hadn’t accidentally put in Iron Man 1 for the Ps2 and absent-mindedly grabbed an Xbox 360 controller. I don’t know if I blame the development team for that, maybe Sega refused to license them an engine that could make environments that look semi acceptable.  I can however blame the development team for the same 5 enemies over and over and over again, and the same five combat animations to use while fighting. I can also blame them for allowing me to select War Machine, and then forcing me to play as Iron Man because it fits the story, if they’re forcing you to be Iron Man, then don’t let me select War Machine… period.

Whether pressing b repeatedly to hack a computer console to get into the next room(this happens at least once per level.) or defending the Shield Helicarrier by myself.  BY MYSELF, which makes me wonder where the hell the thousands of Shield soldiers decided to go at the exact moment their Helicarrier was invaded by boring, repetitive drones, and a generic spider bot thingy. I consistently found myself wonder what the rest of the world was doing at that exact moment, or if I’d left the oven on, or anything to take my mind off the fact that I was still play this game. Iron Man 2 was a failed experiment in mediocrity. The only reason it will receive the score it does is because it loaded ran and functioned like I would expect a game to.


  • The Title Screen


  • Everything after the title screen


  • Graphics – 5
  • Replay – 2(why the hell would you play this twice?)
  • Sound – 6(it had sounds)
  • controls – 6
  • Overall – 4.75