REVIEW: Crystal Defenders (for PS3 and Xb360)

Crystal Defenders is a new release for the PS3 and Xbox 360. While it has the same base name as the Wii version it is a little different. For example they took away any and all of the story element from the game (not that it had much in the Wii version.) And it is mostly about difficulty selection. Even the monsters you fight level to level are the same most of the time.

The challenge of this game is all in map set-up, the re-balanced price of units, and how effective they are. To be perfectly honest, they made the game both a lot simpler and a lot harder. They do have strategy demos, though, so you can copy some professional strategies that quickly make you a much better player, ramping you up to the challenge, but it is still tough.

At first I felt overwhelmed by how much more challenging it was, but with some persistence you’ll learn it isn’t impossible. Even if some of the levels make all of your units useless, there is always a way. It technically contains 3 games (W1, W2, and W3) each one more of a challenge then the last. It doesn’t run as smooth as the Wii release, but you get used to the way it runs after giving it a chance.

Summing it all up, if you are looking for a light tower defense game that barely gets hard, I would buy R1 and R2. If you want to really concentrate and have a real challenge, you can’t beat the price of Crystal Defenders on the PS3, and Xbox 360, because you are actually getting 3 different difficulty settings for one price, and its quite fun, even if you just want to casually beat it without trying for the high scores.

What I like about both releases is that you can play for twenty minutes a week and eventually beat them, I think these are all good buys.

And even if I’m wrong, you’ve only wasted like ten bucks.