REVIEW: Castle Dash

Big thanks to 5th Street Games for providing us with a review copy.
Taking an opportunity to remove the digital needle from my arm I began hosting a board game night with a few friends, generally playing something heavily steeped in nerd and technicality we’ve played anything from Zombies to Heroes Quest. Castle Dash was a refreshing reprieve from the technicality and heavily guided turn phases, and truthfully just gave us some fun. The great thing about the title is the way it changes as your number of players increases or decreases. Both times that we played we had the maximum number of players eliminating the need for a central castle. The basis is pretty simple, each player takes a turn placing a single unit on an item card (placed in the center) or placing up to six units in a spot to defend your castle. Once everyone has placed an all out frenzy of battling each other begins attacking to the left to the right and straight across. If you play with less than six players then a central castle is set up that that all players will battle when fighting that pesky player in front. All in all 1 game took 30 minutes and we were talking trash and throwing stuff at each other by the end (the true signs of a quality game). The game itself was easy to understand and quick to set up. My favorite part of the set up is that all the tokens are already punched out of the cardboard for you. This tiny attention to detail saved us 15 minutes of pre game time. It also made me a little upset at the other high tier games we’ve been playing. Games that you spend $50-$100 on should do the same for you, 5th Street Games thought ahead and did.

Putting a score on a game is tough, the art work on the box is great, the board set up is easy, and the progression is quick.  This game basically scores an awesome on a scale of 1-10. If you need a fun game to gather around a few friends, or even just entertain the family for a minute this is a unique way to do it. Find your local board game store or hit up their website, you won’t regret it.