PS3 Retail Releases Week of 11/22/10

Let’s face it, no one’s reading this. You’re all standing in line for GT5 or lost somewhere in a parking lot waiting for stores to open so you can destroy one another over fake deals. But I’m writing it anyway.

Red Dead Redemption: Undead NightmareIf you haven’t played Red Dead Redemption you’ve missed out on one of the best games of 2010. If you’re a cheap bastard like me you probably borrowed it or got it from Gamefly – which means you didn’t buy the DLC. It just figures that right after I sent it back they announced the zombie expansion for the game. I would have actually bought DLC for a rented game had I known. Thankfully, Rockstar has gone the Episodes from Liberty City route and is releasing the DLC on a standalone disc. Guess what just hit my GameQ.

Majin And The Forsaken KingdomThis game tried to trick me and I’m holding a grudge. When I saw the cover art and heard it was coming soon I thought it was The Last Guardian, the third game from Team ICO (ICO and Shadow of the Colossus). I was excited. Then I realized it was the cheap ($40) knockoff version. Still looks like it might be good, so I may play it, but I really wish it was The Last Guardian (scheduled for late 2011).

SplatterhouseLooking for some old school gore-splashing? This update to a classic arcade game from the 16-bit era should be an entertaining romp – just don’t expect a work of fine art.

Monster Jam 3: Path of Destruction with Grave Digger Steering Wheel PeripheralAm I the only one that’s hesitant to think a $40 title that includes a peripheral is a good idea? It’s a good thing it’s a niche racer too, because we all know what racing fans have been bonering for since years before the PS3 was even released. And that boner is about to pop for…

Gran Turismo 5If you haven’t at least heard of GT5 you are seriously reading the wrong article. I honestly remember reading about this game in magazines when it was going to come out for PS2 but suffered so many delays the devs decided to make it for the new system when PS3 was announced. At the time it was supposed to be a launch title. FOUR years later, and several more delays, it’s finally going to be here just in time for November’s big holiday, Black Friday. I have no doubt it’s going to be the biggest, craziest racing game to date, but can it survive nearly ten years of hype? Starcraft II released to mixed results after the ten year gap. Will this do any better?