PS Vita: Sales Numbers So Far So Good

Sony reported today that their handheld, which has been out for technically 1 week. In the United States they have sold 600,000 units. It is important to note that they have sold the units not just shipped them to retail. Their current world-wide sales are coming in at 1.2 million. They may have struggled in Japan, but they are doing much better stateside. It’s handheld competitor the 3DS is sitting at about 15 million units with just about a year under it’s belt. Sony mentioned in it’s announcement that they plan to continue to drive momentum but involving third party developers heavily in their console. So far the releases seem endless and the future looks bright. If everything continues on track this handheld and gamers can have a bright future ahead.

Did you pick one up? What are you playing? We’d love to know in the comments below.