Pokemon Black and White 2 Announced

In exciting news today Junichi Masuda went on the Japanese tv show “Pokemon Smash” and announced that the 3rd installment in the 5th generation of Pokemon will be releasing in Japan this June. The United States web site simply says “coming soon”, but we’ll get ours eventually. I’m hoping we see the game in time for the holiday season, but if memory serves me right I’m used to spring Pokemon launches. One would hope that localization wouldn’t take 8 months, but I’m betting on that being the case.

The cover art shown above shows the new rumored “mysterious” legendaries which some sites such as IGN believe to be a variation of the original Reshiram and Zekrom maybe mixed with Kyurem. The biggest excitement for me is the opportunity to put this title into my collection and hopefully be able to move everything between the four titles.

The biggest shocker to me is the lack of 3DS exclusivity. Sure the sales numbers weren’t equivalent to the other DS handhelds, but if any title will sell a console you’d think it’d be Pokemon. There’s a bright side in all this for many of us, but I think 3DS owners deserve a major exclusive that is a bit better than Mario Tennis. Thoughts?