New MMORPG Currency site

Say you’re a n00b and want to start playing Wow or Warhammer or Everquest or any one of the many MMORPG games that are out there today but you’re intimidated by the time needed to get started. Or say you have a limited amount of time to spend each day playing these games. What do you do? How do you level up so you can compete? Well you can spend hours and hours grinding away and getting your ass handed to you or you can head over to and have a look around. While I may not approve of its capitialist ideals, its a great site and run by a fellow bot from Salt lake.

If you’ve tried a massive multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) before, you most likely know how hard it is to gain some funds to buy a decent set of armor, or that sword you’ve seen some guy trading, but couldn’t afford (especially at lower levels). The problem is that the game economy is lead by the higher leveled players, which started grinding days, if not months ahead of you, hence they have a deeper pocket. Regardless if we’re talking about WoW Gold (World of Warcraft), Everquest Plat (EQ) or SWG Credits (Star Wars Galaxy), making money in a game like this is hard and most of all, time-consuming. And since even in online games the expression “time is money” holds, why not make your virtual life easier? Why not skip the long, boring hours of gold grinding and get straight to the fun part of equipping your character with the best stuff, when it will only cost you a few real bucks. Come to think about it, you’ll be saving real-life cash instead of spending it, since the time you would’ve spent grinding can now be redirected to your personal life and work. It’s so easy and effective to buy World of Warcraft gold, SWG credits, Anarchy Online credits or Everquest plat online, that dozens of people do so every day. It’s more than likely that some of your guildies, or server friends bought some and then showed-off the items to you.