In Stores This Week: Video Games

Top Spin 4
Fit in Six (Wii and PS3)

Playstation 3:
Dance on Broadway
Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel
Yakuza 4

Nintendo Wii:
Maximum Racing: Drag & Stock
Maximum Racing: GP Classic Racing
Trackmania: Build to Race

Sony PSP:
God Eater Burst
Jikandia: The Timeless Land

Homefront is likely the biggest release of the week. I like the concept, but I’m not sold on the execution yet; I’ve heard mixed reviews. As a Sony exclusive, Yakuza 4 has a lot of potential as well. The series has definitely been improving.

If you’re Wii only, I hope you like racing games.

And what’s with the PSP? Do they only release crazy Japanese anime stuff with unpronounceable names now?