In Stores This Week: Video Games

L.A. Noire

XBox 360:
The First Templar

Nintendo DS and 3DS:
SpongeBob Squigglepants
Cake Mania: Main Street

So, L.A. Noire. Is it a question of whether any other companies are making good games? Of course not. It’s simply savviness on behalf of those other companies to know they shouldn’t go toe to toe with this one. I think the worst that’s going to happen with this game is that it doesn’t live up to the hype – but still kicks ass. Rockstar and Team Bondi have put a lot of effort into taking this game to new territory. If it ends not being as groundbreaking as we expect, but is still good, then they win. If it is a new way to see gaming, but isn’t as fun as we had hoped, they still win. Is it possible the game won’t be very innovative and not be fun either? I suppose, but I doubt it.