Get Fit! Wii Fit!

May 21st of this year will introduce a new, innovative way to exercise via the Wii Fit. If you don’t know about the Wii Fit, it is a “game” for the Nintendo Wii that uses a peripheral called the “Wii Balance Board” to lead you in many exercise activities including yoga, push ups, balance exercises, and about 35 others. The Wii Balance Board can measure a user’s wieght and their center of gravity, and even calculate their body mass index when told the user’s height. The “game” will then track your weight and BMI and you can even compare it against other users by it’s own channel on the Wii. It’s intended to be a virtual personal trainer (for lack of a better comparison) and to allow users to get in shape in a new innovative way in the comfort of their living room.

So what does this all mean? The idea of exercising at home is not a new one, and just like all existing routines that you can do at home it still takes dedication and motivation to actually do it. Just going out and buying the Wii fit obviously isn’t going to make you lose weight…I know, shocking. The question I pose is will this really revolutionize getting fit at home? Nintendo sold 1,113,626 copies in Japan in about a month and a half, but how will us “immediate results” Americans receive it? Personally, it does look like fun and I could see the benefit and change of pace something like this offers*, but what happens after the new wears off?

My other question is in regards to effectiveness. Does it work? Will the Wii Fit actually make you…well, fit? A guy from 4 Color Rebellion actually used the Wii Fit for 7 weeks, working out with it for 30-60 minutes each day and claims that it helped him lose 10 lbs., you can read his whole experience here, it’s actually quite interesting and the results (if legitimate) can’t be denied.

When it comes down to it, you’ll either think it’s a good idea and go buy the Wii Fit, or you won’t. The reception will certainly be interesting and the results it offers will be something to watch. We just have to wait and see.

*Of course, me being a robot, exercising is nothing more than a form of entertainment for me, the health benefits are exclusive to you meatbags out there.