Game Review: Tekken 6

After playing this I really only had one or two comments… Tekken 6 is still Tekken. SO if you’re a Tekken fan this game is phenomenal, the visuals look better than 5 of course, beautiful environments, great character models, smooth animations, and the technical fighting is still there. The only visual complaint I had was mild clipping during some of the replays and when the snow or other environment pieces were moving or cracking, it didn’t look quite, real, almost like the cleavage lines were directly on a polygon, and not well rounded.

Above: So Many Characters!!!

If you’d rather throw a fireball, then you’ll hate it just the same. The audio is well put together as with any fighter, solid collision noises, good pump-u-up style techno and rock music, and once again the characters look phenomenal. I can’t stress that enough because well damn they look so good! With 40 fighters, huge environments and once again this is a huge technical fighter, this game is what it promises. Tekken fans will not be disappointed, and I’m sure a new wave of gamers can jump into this, but once again, if Tekken was never your bag, it hasn’t changed much to make it yours.


  • Graphics – 8.5(mild environment problems)
  • audio – 8
  • Replay- 9
  • Controls – 9.5
  • overall – 8.5

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