Game Review: Ratchet and Clank Future – A Crack In Time

Well, they’ve done it again. Insomniac Games has dropped another Ratchet and Clank, and once again blown this robots mind. From the bright vibrant colors, to the goofy looking characters, this game is 100% polish. Fans of the existing franchise will not be disappointed, everything in this game feels like 100% Ratchet. Whether playing Clank running from Dr. Nefarious and his cronies at the great clock(built in the exact center of the universe give or take 50 feet). Or playing as Ratchet himself heading to the rescue you will find yourself quickly immersed in the environment and story. The audio is great and riddled with dynamic explosions, and new, the environment and character sounds, are well done. I don’t have tons of technical bitching, really just praise for this title, as PS3 owner you have a few other choices, but this definitely needs to be at the top of your list, and collection.


  • Graphics – 10
  • Controls – 10
  • Replay – 9
  • Audio – 9
  • Overall – 9.5

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