Game Review: Forza MotorSport 3

Racing games have long since pushed the boundaries of visual game play. Always toting that their cars look more real than the other guys cars, and Forza Motorsport 3 is no different. 1 thing that I have to pride them on as well is their beautiful backgrounds. Not only do their cars look photo realistic, but their environments you race in are stunning vivid and real. The thought that a team of people sat down and created every inch of this game is stunning. 400 hundred customizable cars from 50 manufacturers, and over 100 tracks that all look gorgeous, add real time damage and this game is a racing enthusiasts wet dream.
For us non racing enthusiasts there are a few features to really help you out. First of all, just as they did in Need for Speed Shift, there is the driving line, a dotted green line you can follow, and as long as your car is centered on it, you are in the optimal position on the track for all turns. If it turns yellow, break a bit, if it turns red break hard for the curve. This gives those of us (me included) that are oblivious to cars and their physics an opportunity to figure out how this works. The next addition similar to NFS Shift, is the pre race where after choosing your initial skill the game will actually assess you and give you a settings boost or reduction if needed. I actually found that in Forza terms I was a standard, not a casual, go ME!
MMMM pretty car
As far as the audio side of this title goes, I have to say I enjoyed the lack of blasting rock and roll soundtrack, instead they have some music playing (rock n’ roll, or other genres) but its pulled down so that you can hear the track, the music is present but not overbearing. Sadly, and this may be an oversight by me, but the cars all sound the same to me, it doesn’t feel as if they’ve spent the time to differentiate each engine type, or sound, every race i’ve heard the same stock drone, roar, and tire squeal.

All in all Forza 3 is a phenomenal racing title, and heavily recommended for you racing kids. Just this portion alone I had a blast, and I didn’t even delve into the car customization, the decal creation, xbox live content, and that entire side of the game. There is literally a year worth of game play in Forza Motorsport 3 making it fully worth the 59.99 price tag.


  • Audio – 8
  • Controls – 10
  • Graphics – 10
  • Replay – 10
  • Overall – 9