E3: Nintendo Trailer Round Up Part 1


The Nintendo conference this morning was not as heavy hitting as I had hoped. There were definitely some high points, but I wouldn’t call them the winner of the conferences. If I had to pick a favorite title shown, it would be ZombiU, especially after watching the full trailer at the Ubisoft booth. Utilizing the game pad to select inventory, aim your sniper rifle, and push away Zombies. ZombiU has the chance to deliver everything I require from an undead creation. Blood, smashing, and explosions.

Here is the trailer

Pikmin 3 also holds a special place in my heart, the abundantly cute ant-like monsters that help you collect your needs and smash through obstacles, looked great in HD.


Scribblenauts Unlimited lets you create your own worlds. What else do I need to say. Verbs, nouns, and now whatever item I decide I need, or that I steal from my friends.

Here is the developer interview: