E3 COVERAGE: Nintendo Press Conference

Here’s what Nintendo has brought to E3 so far.

Legend of Zelda: The Sky Ward Sword.

A new Golden Eye by Activision, with Daniel Craig doing the voice acting.. but keeping the classic graphics….

They showed gameplay of Epic Mickey

Kirby Yarn World.. Or world of yarn… Kirby anyway is coming!!!

New Metroid Trailer.. yay

NEW DONKEY KONG COUNTRY!!! — I don’t think I can type that with any more excitement.. sadly this may be my favorite part of Nintendo’s show.

They finally revealed the 3ds!!

The top screen is a 3.5″ wide screen 3d display. the bottom screen looks like a standard touch screen from a DSI. the D pad is the same, and above that is an analog thumb stick, and to the right your usual buttons. The system will have a slider that allows you to adjust the amount of 3d applied to each title.. Which makes me worry the 3d may not be awesome for everybody.

Kid Icarus will be releasing as a 3Ds title, which is what project Sora that they discussed last year is.

The list of 3rd party developers for the 3DS was pretty large. But Capcom has mentioned a Resident Evil for it. A Ridge Racer possibly, a possible Metal Gear title. and more….

It wasn’t a horrible presentation, it was just a presentation. In my unimportant opinion the 3Ds looks really good, and I can’t wait for the Donkey Kong Country, and I’ll be buying the Kirby as well.. Nintendogs + Cats looks ok… But otherwise, in comparison I still think Microsoft is the winner. Check back for more after the Sony Conference
