Doom 4 Assets Leaked



Earlier today Dark Side of Gaming posted assets to Doom 4 given to them by an ex artist on the project. DSO went further into detail in a follow post discussing what the game would entail, and how they came across the assets. The interesting things pointed out was the speculation that Doom 4 is in fact a remake of Doom II : Hell On Earth. Many of the images are of models of different in game objects, and there are also fully color images of city streets and some awesome looking character models. DSO didn’t post all 170 items, but they did link to the download which you can find here. Seeing as nothing is labeled, this could just be unused models from Rage… or it could legitimately be from Doom 4, it looks good either way.  I remember my entire play through RAGE, and although, some of the environment could definitely carry over stylistically, this does have a different vibe, the cities for example aren’t completely demolished.  This looks to me like our first look at Doom 4.   Thoughts?

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