Does a Recent FCC Filing Show a New PS3?

Eurogamer and Pocket News shows a new version of the Playstation 3. The current system is the 3000 series, and this looks to be listed as a 4000. The changes to the system are thought to be announced next month in Germany at Gamescom. 3 years ago, Sony rebranded the slim PS3 at this very same conference. Touting that it was “32% smaller, 36 % lighter, and needed 34% less power to run.” So who knows, you might be able to play God of War and Mortal Kombat on a new stream lined machine. It’s also quite possible that they’re simply updating a few pieces inside to cut costs and we see no update at all. My original goliath is still humming away in my gaming cabinet, barring some unforeseen gaming/electrical nightmare I’ll stick to the old school, it’s just electricity right?