Young Indy . . . and the Restless?

Actor Sean Patrick Flanery’s official website reveals that he will be joining the cast of long-running soap opera The Young and the Restless in mid-April.

Flanery became widely known to audiences for his portrayal as a dashing and idealistic Henry Jones, Jr. in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles in the early 90’s.  His career has taken some interesting turns since then, with the critically acclaimed Powder and cult favorite The Boondock Saints.  Lesser known films (many made for the SyFy network) include Mongolian Death Worm (available on DVD in April) and The Insatiable.

I’m not sure what would bring Flanery back to television, particularly daytime TV.  Aside from Young Indy, he had a short-lived show called The Strip and portrayed Greg Stillson in The Dead Zone.  But a soap opera?

Flanery is possibly restless, but he’s not young.  At least, not as young as soap stars generally seem to be, and not as young as his Indy once was.  He seems an odd choice for Genoa City.  (I looked that up; I’ve never watched The Young and the Restless).  Although it looks like now I’ll have to Tivo it.  I’m a fan and have been since Indy, so I’ve seen most of the cheesy made-for-TV movies and nearly all of his guest appearances on everything from Charmed to CSI.

Of course, the question of the hour is . . . how long will he be on the show?  And will filming affect his summer con appearances?  I fervently hope not.

I am curious to see how the daytime drama gig works out for him.  He’s certainly capable of excelling at it.  Though his choices in movies may be questionable, he’s always shown great talent.  If you doubt that, go back and watch Young Indiana Jones.  Not only did he bring the beloved character to the small screen (I choose to mostly forget Corey Carrier’s younger version), but he brought history alive for everyone who watched the show.

I just hope that he gets a decent storyline on The Young and the Restless and not the old and tired evil twin drama.  Then again . . . a twin would mean TWICE the SPF.  Hmm.  Not a bad idea, after all.  Are you reading this, writers of the soap?

What are your thoughts?  I know he has a loyal following, but enough to become soap opera converts?  Time will tell.


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