Vampire Diaries: “Kill or Be Killed”

This week’s Vampire Diaries brought quite a few interesting revelations to light.  Among them were just how Mason Lockwood became a Furry.  Apparently, a friend of his thought Mason was making the moves on his girl, and the two engaged in a knock-down, drag-out fight in the parking lot of an eating establishment.  Or a bar.  But Mason had some mad fighting skills and guy ended up dead on the pavement. 

We learn all this in a flashback sequence, but we soon discover that Mason is relating the story to Tyler in exchange for the mysterious moonstone, an all powerful object that . . . does something.  Reminds me of the time Angel shows Spike the Acathla demon, and Spike says, “It’s a big rock. I can’t wait to tell my friends. They don’t have a rock this big.”  (I can turn anything into a conversation about Buffy, Animaniacs, or Star Wars.)  It’s a gift.

Later, during a park grand opening (does this town celebration everything?  Seems like every other week there is some big event), Mason and Stefan threaten each other after Stefan tries to be friends, but Mason doesn’t want to play nice on account that Damon stabbed him and everything.  Damon, of course, likes being at war with everyone and has no desire to play nice, either. 

Then we get some gushy love scene with Elena and Stefan where they speak in code.  When Stefan says, “As you wish” ‘I can’t do this anymore Elena,” he is REALLY saying, “I love you.”  Awwww.  They are still pretending to not be madly in love to protect Elena from the evil Katherine and her nefarious schemes. 

Caroline and her mom Sheriff Liz are also at the park, and they are attempting to do some mom-vampire bonding.  Except Liz doesn’t know her offspring now consumes blood to nourish her growing bones.  Oh wait. She’s technically dead.  Guess she’ll be stuck wearing clothes in the juniors department for the rest of her “life.”  Harsh.  Liz, to her credit, realizes that something is different about Caroline, but she’s as ignorant about her daughter as she is about her best bud Damon.  

When Mason reveals to Liz that the Salvatore brothers are “evolved vampires” who can walk in the sunlight, Liz refuses to believe it.  But a little iocane powder vervain hidden in an innocuous-looking glass of lemonade (offered to Damon by a sweet little girl, no less) soon reveals their dark secret. 

Meanwhile, Jeremy and Tyler do some bonding and hang out with some gals at the Lockwood house. Drinking margaritas.  I swear, there is more under-age drinking in this show than I’ve ever seen.  “>Katy Perry can’t play dress-up with Elmo but high school kids can drink on tv?  I’m not judging . . . I just think it’s funny.

The girls see Jeremy’s sketchbook filled with wolves, and Tyler is a little concerned.  He confronts Jeremy.  In the study.  With the candlestick.  Jeremy explains about his ancestor’s diary and how he knows everything. Well, Tyler whips out his rock to show Jeremy and explains how he won’t let Mason have it, but those nosy gals grab it and start running around the house.  Tyler tries to get it back but accidentally knocks one of the gals down the stairs.  For one scary moment, we think she’s dead and that Tyler will morph into an angry wolf.  But she’s just playing!  She is fine.

At the park, Liz calls her Council posse, and they manage to shoot Stefan and Damon just as they were confronting Mason in the woods about the lemonade prank.  The brothers are taken to the Lockwood ruins where Liz questions them and prepares to kill them.     

Caroline, with her Super Hearing, figures out what is going on, and she and Elena go to try to save the day.  Mason stops them in the woods and threatens Elena and asks Caroline if her mother knows what she is.  Caroline attacks Mason and knocks him to the ground.  It was pretty cool to watch her kick some ass.  They reach the ruins just in time for Elena to create a diversion, but the posse grabs her. 

Then Caroline comes swooping in, feasts upon Liz’s buddies, and then tells her mom hi while fresh blood drips from her chin.  Needless to say, dear old mom is horrified.  Damon tells her won’t kill her, since they are friends, but they do lock her up in the Salvatore basement.  The plan is for the vervain to leave her system, and then they will Compel her to forget everything that happened.  Seeing as how she can’t even look at her daughter, this is probably a good idea.

However, his recent abduction makes Stefan realize that he needs to stronger to be capable of defeating Katherine, and that involves drinking human blood.  He thinks just a few drops a day should help, and Elena eventually agrees.  She cuts open the palm or her hand and lets him drink.  Then, they kiss. 

Then we see Tyler hand the mysterious moonstone over to Mason. He’s decided he wants no part of the wolf lifestyle.  Next, we see Mason give the stone to Katherine.  The scene returns to the parking lot where he killed his friend, and Katherine was there.  Looks like she planned the whole event to trigger the wolf inside of Mason, but why? 

The preview indicated we will have to wait a few weeks to find out.