Ten steps to convert your wife/girlfriend/significant other into Battlestar Galactica

1. The obvious, purchase Season 1 or rent it.

2. Declare that it is ‘movie’ night, but you are picking something that you think they might find interesting. Do not tell them it is a sci-fi show, hint that it is a drama.

3. Put your cooking skills to good use, or, put your ordering food on the phone skills to good use.

4. Have a dinner, preferably at a table, not in front of the T.V., have what people call, good conversation

5. Put some popcorn in the microwave, and get a blanket for the couch.

6. Put the fraking show in the DVD player already!

7. As the show starts, they will see the obvious sci-fi elements, firmly declare it’s a drama

8. If they like strong women characters, talk up Starbuck and President Roslin, Hunky guys? Obviously Lee Adama and Karl Agathon ‘Helo’.  They more of an anti-hero sort? Gaius Baltar is king.

9. Make sure they know its ok to ask questions, pause the show, and explain things if they are having trouble following.

10. After the show is over, have sex, it does nothing to solidify that they will watch it again, but at least all your efforts to make you two closer, should go somewhat recognized.