REVIEW: The Walking Dead 2.10 – “18 Miles Out”


Tonight’s episode of Walking Dead, resolved loads of conflicts. Sharing my thoughts on the episode is impossible without discussing many events, simply saying spoiler alert didn’t quite feel right, but I will attempt to be vague.

The lengths that Rick and Shane are willing to go to to protect their people has been continually growing episode to episode. If you missed two weeks ago, or even last week, go back and find a way to watch them. The show has taken an incredible turn into being a show about what a world that cruel will do to a person. It’s not about the Zombie killing anymore, they’re merely the catalyst for the tension between the multiple groups.

While deciding what to do with the man they “saved”, the tension between Shane and Rick finally comes to a head. The ruthless brawl between the two kept me on the edge of my seat. I’m not sure if it’s my pure hope that they’ll take more elements from the comic, or my hatred of Shane’s character, (not that I wish he wasn’t in the show, but he’s an incredible anti-hero, and I hate his character). I kept waiting for an accidental discharge, or a stray zombie to snag him, anything to reconcile the fight and end Shane. But with the true strength of partnership, our hero Rick returns to save his partner from the bus ‘o zombies in their Mazda CX7. I have a feeling the man they saved also known as Randall has a tough road ahead with the crew.

Not allowing the men to have all the fun, the tension continues back at the farm where Beth has decided that living isn’t that great of an option. While Lori and Maggie try to convince her otherwise a slight lapse in judgement leaves her alone with Patricia. Still battling her own inner demons she allows Beth to make the choice again, getting her banned from the house, and making her already precarious placement in the group even worse.

This half of season 2 has been absolutely incredible and tonights episode was no different. The writing, acting, and pacing is absolutely phenomenal. By the time my heart stops pounding next weeks episode will be upon us. What’d you fine internet folk think about tonight’s episode? Is Randall doomed? Thoughts below.