REVIEW: The River – “Peaches”

This episode started off rocky, and ended incredibly. I was not in the mood to watch more romantic drama between Jonah, Lincoln and Lena. Gladly the drama ends quickly when their ship is run aground by a mysterious vessel. After hours of distress calls they are finally brought the parts they need by the crew of the Exodus. As the two groups spend time together to celebrate their meeting, Kurt isn’t believing that the Exodus’ crew has good intentions. This is where the episode really picks up and where the spoilers begin. I knew something had to be up with the crew, and my presumptions left me disappointed. I was under the impression they were going to end up being pirates and Kurt would save the day making him more of a hero than he deserved to be (let’s not forget that he’s trying to prevent them from finding “the source” that Emmett was hunting). I guess I was wrong, I didn’t not think they’d find Lena’s dad aboard the other boat, and definitely didn’t think it was a ghost ship trading human sacrifice for their own freedom. When Kurt confronts the captain of the Exodus, I figured he’d shoot him in the chest, I just didn’t believe that the captain would get back up.

The episode was a great snap back into reality that not only are they looking for Emmett Cole, but his entire crew. The last few episodes there was minimal mention of any other crew members. You don’t really notice it in previous episodes but every time they discuss finding Emmett, Lena pipes up with a soft-spoken, “and my dad.” The last thing I expected in this episode was for them to find him. Watching their short-lived reunion reinstated the feeling of dread attached to the show. The crew truly seems to be on a hopeless voyage and this episode reinforced that feeling.

I’m glad to see the surprises and excitement on the show keep growing, can’t wait to see what happens next week when they start moving towards the tribe Emmett left with.

How about you internet, loving it yet?