REVIEW: Supernatural 8.14 – “Trial and Error”

In tonight’s episode, everyone’s favorite AP student, Kevin Tran, deciphers a large chunk of the Demon stone and advises Sam and Dean that in order to close the gates of Hell, one of them must complete a series of trials. The first trial? Kill a Hell Hound and bathe in its blood. So, for Sam and Dean – you know – like, Saturday. So the boys travel to an oil ranch that plays host to any number of characters that may or may not have sold their souls, and as it turns out they were all sellin’ low that night. If I remember correctly, Dean Winchester’s only true fear is a Hell Hound, yet the desire to close the gates of Hell forever took over and he took to the task with great aplomb.

I will admit that Dean is usually my favorite brother (admit it, we all have one), and tonight Jensen Ackles really got to shine. Dean’s range went from little boy decorating his room, with firearms admittedly, to the accepting, sacrificing father that Sam always wanted and deserves. Tonight we got every single aspect of Dean Winchester – hilarious, patriarchal, demanding, martyr Dean – in one 42 minute episode and not a single second of it felt contrived. Genre shows never get a second glance come awards season (unless there are many British accents or Jessica Lange), and I will be the first to admit that I have not always watched Supernatural for the performances. I watch it because it’s damn fun. But tonight Jensen Ackles was a complete powerhouse.

The secondary plot twist in “Trial and Error” was moderately predictable. In fact, my notes literally read “if that Ellie thing doesn’t go somewhere it’s gonna be really pointless and stu… Oh. Of course.” But that was counteracted by the actual belly laugh I released when it was revealed that Crowley himself was to blame for all the sold souls. The guest stars tonight were all fun performers as well, which is not always consistent on the show, but they were funny, pathetic, lost and solid when they needed to be. If anyone can help a ‘bot out with the name of any of the guests I would be much obliged – neither IMDB or the Supernatural wiki are much help on this one, and it’s driving me crazy where I have seen the actress that played the washed up singer. And I absolutely loved the nod to “Dallas” – “Ellie” was a great pick for a name. I’m calling some heavy foreshadowing for Kevin’s character. The nosebleeds, headaches, pill popping? I fear Kevin will not be with us for much longer.

The fan given moniker for the season is well deserved, but I am a bit frustrated with the use, or lack thereof, of Castiel. I am not a fan that demands his presence, nor am I fan that wishes he would be written off. I just want consistent use. He has been absent for several episodes, but his absence was indicated with a giant cliffhanger. And since, he has barely even been mentioned. It strikes me as a touch of stumbling in an otherwise brilliant arc.

You guys. I have a confession. I have wailed and flailed with the best of ’em, I have typed in all caps “oh my feels” and “ugh the creys,” but tonight is the very first time that Supernatural has made me cry. Twice. What amazing writing tonight! Something fans have screamed at their televisions for eight years finally came to fruition, and the brothers actually told their counterparts how they feel and why they do the things they do. It was a moment that was long overdue, but looking back it wouldn’t have worked as well in any other season. It was the right time, but man. If the renewal announcement hadn’t already been made I would have bet you all $5000 that season Gr8 would be the last. I sure am glad it’s not, especially watching episodes as amazing as this one.