REVIEW: Supernatural 8.10 – “Torn and Frayed”

The return of Winchester Wednesday was celebrated in fine fashion – the strong return of a beloved character, possible resolution to a season long frustration, and a perfectly timed back-from-hiatus plot bombshell.

Castiel rejoined the team this evening. In between his trips to Heaven, he’s apparently been traveling the country Kung Fu style, only instead of getting in boss fights he’s been healing babies and stuff. Repenting. But he hears the cries of tortured Samandriel (known to us as Alfie, Weenie-on-a-stick-Guy if you’re nasty), and recruits Sam and Dean to help locate the captive Ophanim. Of course Crowley is behind the capture, and he and his goon halo the angel and learn that in addition to the Demon Stone, there exists an Angel Stone. The implication is that Heaven could be sealed just as easily as Hell, but first one of the parties must locate and translate the stone.

The episode started with a Sam and Dean tanty. It’s so easy as a viewer to sit and scream “GOD DEAN JUST APOLOGIZE” (which I most certainly did not do – I am a grownup), but one of the hardest things to learn as a writer is that your characters can’t always make good decisions. Where is the fun in that? Would I still watch Supernatural if Sam and Dean always got along and never suffered any familial strife? It’s insanely frustrating to watch, but constant comfort makes for some bland TV, and I have come to terms with the fact that my discomfort means the writers are doing their jobs, and doing it well.

Tricksy Castiel reunited the boys after their tiff and requested that they “stow their crap,” and they did. They kicked a lot of demon ass, but requested a demon bomb that was never used. Big flaw in the episode, but as has become the standard with this season, the fight choreography and cinematography have become so well played that it’s sometimes easy to forget the little things. In the process Castiel had some intense lobotomy flashbacks and Sam and Dean noticed that something is most definitely amiss with Castiel.

As a result of the unification for the rescue, Sam and Dean resolve their difference and address, what has this season represented some long time struggles – Sam and his desire to leave the family business, and Dean’s firm stance against monster mingling. Neither resolution came without a shadow, however, and it’s my best guess that we have not seen the end of Benny or Amelia this season. I sadly fear that neither story will come to a happy ending.

This season really is living up to it’s nom de fan “season gr8.” I’m eager for each new episode, still in pleasant mystery where the seasonal arc is concerned, and loving the stand alone fun time episode.