REVIEW: How I Met Your Mother “Platonish”

I’ve been wondering for awhile how long it was going to take for HIMYM to do something outside of Barney’s wedding, and tonight answered that question by fully focusing on a flashback. While the episode was light on funny, it definitely hit the mark emotionally and helped shine some light on the developments from last season.

Full spoilers, as always, to follow.

The whole of tongiht’s episode took place months before Barney and Robin’s wedding when the two of them were still single. Marshall and Ted at are at a Harlem Globetrotter’s game, and of course, are rooting for the opposing team. It was really great to see Marshall finally doing something other than being a punching bag for Daphne and fretting over Lily, but I could have done without his trying to convince Ted that he was still in love with Robin. I gave this part a grudging pass if only because it took place in the past, but everyone knows my thoughts on how tired I am of this subplot. Still, it was entertaining enough to watch the two of them yell at the refs, and it was made even better by the call Ted got from his old boss, Hammond Druthers (the impeccable Bryan Cranston) who is trying desperately to get Ted to come work for him in Chicago. Ted’s blowing him off while Druthers threatens, cajoles, and begs was truly entertaining and also gave us a glimpse as to why Ted was planning on moving to Chicago at the end of the last season.

What was more fun was Robin and Lily giving Barney harder and harder challenges to get single women’s phone numbers from the bar; I’m sure everyone watching was trying to figure out how they would hit on someone without using words that contained the letter ‘E’ — just me? Ok, maybe I’m a bit weird. Of course, this all culminates with Barney ending up in a drug store and putting the moves on none other than the Mother herself, who immediately calls him out on his BS. Cristin Milioti is charming and absolutely fills the Mother with soul and character and has been the best addition to the cast. Her conversation with Barney where she explains that he needs to stop playing the game and win it instead leads to his creating his final play, The Robin, which not only wins him a bride, but also sets the stage for Ted to finally meet her and live happily ever after. Maybe I’m just a total sap when it comes to stuff like this, but I completely love how the writers have managed to make everything tie together. HIMYM has always been extremely smart in taking little bits and pieces, especially in flashbacks, and putting the puzzle together in ways that amuse and move us.

Tonight’s episode proved my point that the final season should not have taken place fully at Barney’s wedding — there is just too much other stuff to do and show. Even though flashbacks can be contrived, HIMYM has always worked wonders with them, and this was no exception.. Overall, it was a huge improvement over the last few weeks, and I love how they handled most of it. I just hope Ted’s final longing glance at Robin in the final scene isn’t an annoying harbinger of what’s to come.

8 out of 10

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