REVIEW: How I Met Your Mother “Bass Player Wanted”

HIMYM has been hit or miss all year, and it’s been very frustrating as a series fan to see the final season have so many problems. This is why tonight’s episode was so great because it not only had a ton of wonderful moments, it also paid off in massive dividends for all of us who have put up with what we have so far.

Full spoilers to follow as always.

In the opening moments, we get the Mother when she picks up Marshall as he’s walking the rest of the way to the wedding. As I’ve said time and again, I LOVE Cristin Milioti. Every second she’s on screen, I just want more, so I was very happy she took center stage at the beginning of this episode. The whole time she’s messing with Marshall by explaining how she knows who he is before revealing she met Lily who explained his story was a ton of fun, especially since Marshall freaks out just as I expected him to.  Even better was the rest of the time they spent together where the Mother explains why she’s leaving her band over Darren (more to follow) and Marshall rallying behind her to get her to treat him like the douchebag he is. Marshall has been lacking in good screen time the whole season, so his influence on the Mother was probably his best moment so far.

Speaking of Darren, we run into him early on as a charismatic dude who seems to be a nice guy who wants to just make friends with people, but he is soon revealed as the devil by purposely messing with close friends and setting themselves at each other’s throats. Not only does he set Lily and Robin on edge by revealing Robin understands why Marshall would pick a judgeship over moving with Lily to Rome, he also revelaed to Barney that Ted is moving to Chicago after the wedding — a secret Ted had hidden from almost everyone over the last few months. Barney was obviously angry over this, but finally understood when Ted admitted he had to do it because he still had feelings for Robin. 

Speaking of Robin, she made up with Lily by letting her beat the crap out of the Marshpillow to get her agressions out over Marshall picking his job over her, but all was made well when Lily finally saw Marshall in person, and they decided to put their differences aside for the moment when they finally reunited.

The whole thing ended with the Mother finally telling Darren to piss off after Ted punched him in the face for destroing a THIRD bottle of priceless scotch, and the Mother unknowingly buying her future husband a drink for doing what she couldn’t.

I can’t tell you how much I loved this episode; it had everything I’ve come to expect and love in HIMYM. It made me laugh, get emotional and just outright love these characters I’ve invested so much time in. THIS is what has made the show so amazing and made me spend countless hours watching and rewatching it.

I can only hope that the writers have found their groove and will continue on with the same level of greatness we saw tonight!


9 out of 10


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