This review will contain spoilers, anything going beyond the scope of the episode will be done in white text and will be preceded by *Spoiler*, episode spoilers will not be prefaced.
I’m just going to say I hate mid season breaks and that this review may get weird.
The Good
- The Twins on the map! Such a small thing to be excited about but I love seeing new places on the opening map.
- I want Robb’s little army set. I wanna play Risk:Westeros with it. *spoilers* “If Walder Frey cooperates” oh it hurts oh gods stop it
- Frey girls aren’t really pretty are they?
- *Spoilers* Can’t help but notice Talisa is at the Twins…get your theories out folks.
- Sam the Slayer! Kid loves to talk history about things his lil Gilly probably doesn’t understand.
- BWAHAHA Sandor and Arya on the road to the twins just turned into my new favorite Westeros buddy comedy.
- Rickon had a line!!!!
- “No more Hodoring.” I always loved that line. Plus WARGING! Bran got in his head, creepy.
- Direwolves watching, rain pouring. They didn’t fuck around on this scene, you gotta use it Bran.
- And there it is! Throat ripped out by Bran the wolf.
- The look of astonishment on the face of Edmure Tully is wonderful. “Hey, she’s not ugly at all! Alright!” *Spoiler* The last good thing about your wedding buddy enjoy it.
- *Spoilers* Seven hells they are laying it on thick aren’t they?? So many things pointing to death for everyone
- Baby killin pig fucking stark murdering Frey scum. I was pretty damn shocked at the stomach stabbing on Talisa. Knowing everything else is coming that still surprised me.
- That Walder Frey is one cold hearted fucker. I guess when you’ve had a buncha wives watching one get their throat slit means nothing.
- “The Lannisters send their regards.”

The “Bad”
- Something I would only notice because of my girlfriend but one extra really needed to get his horse under control.
- Hey look Argus Filch! That aside, gad damn he kills at Walder Frey!
- 20 wildings to murder an old man, oh yeah you’re tough aren’t ya.
- *Spoilers* Still hurts seeing Arya get sooo close to her family, but luckily not murdered.
- Seriously though, Arya is one dark little girl.
- C’mon Ygritte you can’t fuck with Tormund Giantsbane!
- Woah, that fight scene was pretty shitty. Grey Worm seemed super staged, I mean it’s TV and all but damn.
- *Spoilers* Woah woah woah, Rickon with Umber? Not on Skagos?
Usually this is a recap but fuck that.