LOST Season 5 Finale Review

Spoilers Ahead! If, for whatever reason you have yet to watch the Season 5 finale of LOST, you will probably want to wait to read this. Or don’t, just don’t cry to us if we ruin any surprises for you…

Arse-bot-  Well, what can I say about this finale other than it was absolutely amazing? I can’t recall in recent history when an episode of LOST was actually filled with so many answers (and half answers)! It started right off the bat with introducing Jacob, who is apparently another person on/from The Island that doesn’t age – though, wears less eyeliner – and has some mysterious buddy who wants to kill him, bad.

It was nice to get back to the flashback aspect and show how Jacob has made an appearance to many of the main characters in the past (my favorite being right after Locke flys out the window onto the ground). So, now we have seen Jacob, we know he exists, we know that he isn’t one of the characters we had already been introduced to, so I’m betting next season will be about “who is/was Jacob, who is his frenemy, what do they know about the Island, and destiny”, and so on and so forth. Something tells me that there is a higher power at work here and The Others and The Oceanic crew are all pawns in some other people’s end-game… but I’m probably wrong, I usually am.

I have really enjoyed Jack’s 180 in character, from a man of science to a man of (Locke-ish) faith, and now a man on a mission. It’s been quite a while since we have seen Jack with so much resolve, seems like after he left The Island, he was a man defeated and disheartened; now with the possibility of making it so none of this ever happened has rejuvenated him… so much so that he was willing to get into a gun fight with an H-Bomb strapped to his back.

Locke is obviously not Locke, but Jacob’s mysterious friend from the beginning, who for whatever reason can’t kill him but wants to, so he has Ben do it. With Jacob now – supposedly – out of the picture, will this mystery man take over? What’s with the body switching? And if this person can inhabit dead people, is he also Christian, Claire, and Charlie who have all been appearing posthumously?

I appreciated the love and loss between Juliet and Sawyer, I think because it hasn’t been beaten to death over the last 5 seasons, it’s new and fresh and Sawyer seems to have opened up a lot more to Juliet than he ever did with Kate; in other words, Kate was an available piece of ass on a deserted island, Juliet is a legitimate love of Sawyer’s. So I understand Sawyer hesitating to turn back the clock after he has found a substantial, healthy relationship and I really found Sawyer losing Juliet to the incident heart-wrenching. However, I couldn’t have cared less about Jack and Kate crying over never meeting, that horse is dead and uninteresting, and yes, I know it needs resolution, but they have been shedding tears over it for several seasons now.

There is so much I would talk about here, but if you have been following the show I am sure you have drawn a lot of the same conclusions I have and now have all of the same new questions; did the bomb work? Who are all these new people? Who is “coming”? My circuits are still overloaded from the finale! 2010 is going to be one hell of a ride and I can’t wait to see where all this ends up! 

Ilana: “What lies in the shadow of the statue?”

Alpert: “Ille qui nos omnis servabit.”  [translation]”That which [or he who] will save us all.”

Swank? Doc? Did you blow your LOST load as well?


Swank-mo-tron- I’m not ashamed to admit that I cried during this episode. And I was sufficiently enraged by the completely unacceptable (but thoroughly entertaining) cliff hanger at the end of the episode. Perhaps though, my favorite moment in this episode was when Hurley is forced to stop the van and Sawyer, Juliet and Kate are standing in the road, blocking their way.

Am I getting a little ahead of myself? I’m not sure… I guess I am. Let me say now that I loved this episode and I love this show. I’m so thoroughly invested in these characters and their plight that some chick falling down a well can damage my optic fluid reserves.

But can I also say that it was tremendously exhilarating to see Jack and Sawyer finally trading body blows?

Jeez… I’m having a hard time collecting my thoughts on this in a coherent fashion.

Let me start over. The Season 5 finale of Lost was satisfying in the fact that, like all good episodes of Lost, it answers exactly as many questions as it raises. Which is the only thing about the series finale that worries me. I want to be left with questions at the end. I want to fill in gaps with my own brain. Lost won’t really be Lost if I know everything, right?

Damn. I lost myself again.

Let me end by saying this: I’m angry we don’t get more Lost until January. This episode was great and was mathematically perfect for this series.

I need to get my circuits checked. Abrams and Lindelof must have hacked my programming, because there’s no other explanation as of to why I like–no, LOVE–this show so much.

Dr. Cyborg- [Hungover] I like Lost, but I am cursed with a short attention span. When I watched last nights episode I was also drunk, but I still managed to keep up with all of the in’s and out’s. I think this is what I like the most about Lost, it’s fun to watch drunk. Yesterday It was extremely fun to watch drunk, but I found when I woke up with a hangover hours later, it didn’t feel complete. I want to know more, and I want to know right now. Lost was so cool last night, especially when Sayid got shot in the belly, and his newly wed wife got hit by a car because of Jacob. These things are awesome, I just feel like they are trying to rub it in that I don’t know what’s going to happen next. This episode was like getting kicked in the balls for an entire year. (I can’t say if that’s a good thing for certain.)

Thank you to all those who check out our “reviews” each week! We will see you in 2010 for the final season of LOST!