LOST Episode 613 “Review”

Proletaria-tron: I moved over the weekend so I don’t even have basic network TV until I can get the cable guy out to put new wiring in my old ass house. However, I had a friend close by and I went to her place to watch. Her and her roommate wouldn’t shut the fuck up so I had a hard time catching a lot of this episode.

Claire and Sayid may be crazy but it seems like they haven’t been made completely numb. Sayid obviously didn’t kill Desmond and Claire seems to want to get away and see Aaron but is probably still crazy. Womens is all crazy.

The 2 big things with this episode were A) finding out what most of us had already expected, Flocke has been showing up as dead people for a while. and B) Jin and Sun have finally been brought back together.

So now that Jin and Sun are back together lets fire mortar rounds at the smoke monster!! PEW PEW!!! Arse-Bot?? PEW?

Arse-bot: You can use the whole “my friend and her roommate wouldn’t shut up” excuse all, but we all know what really happened. How many times do I have to tell you? No blowies during LOST! Seriously folks, I’ve told him lot’s of times, go check out #noblowiesduringlost on Twitter, you’ll see.

Anywho. I can’t put my finger on the exact reason why, but I was a bit bored with this episode. The last few episodes we have been treated to some pretty amazing revelations and by comparison this episode had very few. Now, not to say I didn’t enjoy it, because this episode definitely helped nudge the story along, but I remember at one point fast forwarding my way through a commercial break and seeing the timer on my DVR and I thought to myself, “Wow, already 47 minutes through this episode?”

As Proletaria pointed out there, there were some revelations during this episode. First, we got confirmation and Smokey/Locke has indeed been walking around impersonating dead people to influence the castaways – we also found out that he can only impersonate someone if they are dead. I really enjoyed the conversation between Smocke and Jack; despite Locke not actually being Locke, the conversation was reminiscent of seasons past.

Later on in the episode, we finally have all the surviving castaways back together! Including Claire, who’s crazy. Sawyer has really taken the role of leader in that he has tunnel vision to getting off the island, which leads all the castaways to a boat, including Crazy Claire. As their voyage to the “safety” of Whidmore, Jack gets weird feelings and decides they aren’t supposed to leave the Island yet because it isn’t done with them. Exit Jack into the ocean.

the Sun and Jin reunion was great. They are by far the least annoying romantic story and couple in the series – so while I kind of hope all this Kate/Sawyer/Jack business get solved with a “tragic” Kate-death, it was great to see Jin and Sun find each other. I didn’t even dawn on me until they were reunited just how long they have been apart, great stuff.

It’s going to be interesting to see where Smocke takes his plan now. Things obviously aren’t going as smoothly as he’d like and now it seems it’s him and Jack “together” while the rest of the castaways are currently on their knees at gun point at Whidmore’s camp. Smock has lost a lot of control over this situation which I think means things are about to get gritty as a desparate man trys to finally get his ass off the island.

Finally, I would just like to point out that I love how Lapidus has just been kind of roped into all of this. The guy’s attitude of “Yeah man, what ever the fuck you think we should do. You need me to bring a gun? Cool.” cracks me up. He’s a good guy and a good character, I hope he makes it through all this mess – but I think he is doomed to be an early part of the body count considering his “minor character” standing at this point. We care just enough that the creators can kill him off and we’d care, but he’s not a main character enough to derail the story.

Oh, and you don’t really think Sayid killed Desmond do you? As Proletaria so elegantly put it this morning: “Desmond is Jesus, you don’t kill Jesus yet.”

Be sure to check out the latest installment of the webcomic, “Previously on LOST” and sound off in the Comments what you thought of this week’s episode!