LOST episode 515 review

Arse-Bot- It’s really too bad that we are a week away from the season finale of Lost and it is finally getting really good. Just as last week I really enjoyed this episode because it provided a few answers and continues to actually give the islanders a purpose again, as opposed to just trying to blend in trying to figure out exactly what it is they are supposed to do.

Now, whether or not setting off a hydrogen bomb is what Jack is supposed to do remains to be seen, I am happy that there is some sort of “mission” that they are working towards. It’s also fun to see how the islanders were actually affecting their own past and some of it blows my mind (such as Locke sending Alpert to talk to Past Locke and tell him all about that “you’re going to have to die” stuff), but I hope they don’t get too carried away with it.

Of course, Kate stirs things up with her moping and objecting to pretty much anything and everything. One minute she wants to fix things, the next she doesn’t, frankly, it seems like Kate doesn’t know what she wants. She is all concerned that if they erase all of the last 3 years that she’ll have never met Jack. Kate, do you not understand?! You would never know what you are missing! So what does it matter? All the shit you have put up with for three years and you don’t want to put things back to normal because you may or may not be in love with Jack? It’s really too bad, because what started out as a strong, badass female character has been reduced to a constantly-crying-about-something female victim.

The creators are kind of hinting towards that Jack may be able to prevent any of this from happening… let me repeat that, if Jack does what he wants, and it works, an entire 5 seasons (and what I can only assume most of the final 6th season) of following these castaways on Lost will have essentially never happened. I can’t seem to get my processors to decide on how I actually feel about this. Part of me thinks “Whoa, that’s trippy” while another side feels like it’s an “it was all a dream” cop-out. But I won’t start criticizing any of this because let’s face it, just because it appears the creators are headed that direction, it doesn’t mean they actually are. This is Lost afterall, the ultimate “WTF is going on?!” series…

Proletaria-Tron- There was a lot about this episode that I really liked. In fact there are only 2 things about it that I didn’t like. First was Kate, all she does is sit around with a dumb look on her face like all the other kids on the island are mean to her. Its boring bullshit. The second thing I didn’t like was that Sayid didn’t shoot her ass. I was just about the happiest robot in the world when Sayid fired that gun, but instead of killing somebody who needs to die he killed a random Other. Bad move.

The rest of the episode was pretty entertaining. Locke running around being a crazy person again, messing with the natural flow of the others. I have a feeling that Richard Alpert isn’t what he appears to be. Somethings up with that guy, he doesn’t seem to know as much about the island as he should after being there for such a long long time. Also, Locke saying hes going to kill Jacob?!  Big WTF moment right there for me. I mean why? John must be pissed.

The whole hydrogen bomb business seems a little over the top and since Richard watched them all die I’m thinking it might not work or it will somehow send them all off the island. But Arse-bot to maybe calm your mixed feelings on the possible cop-out of having it have never happened think of it as two simulataneaous lives. Just like Locke sending Alpert to talk to himself the cast-aways would have to rescue themselves. So to keep themselves off the island they have to go to the island. Basically I think the writers of Lost need to lay of the pot.

Haven’t been following Lost this season? If you’re one of the folks who follows this show on DVD rather than as it airs, you’ll be happy to know they have announced the release date and package art for Lost: The Complete Fifth Season and you can check it out here!

We’ll see you next week for the season finale!