LOST Episode 513 Review

Arse-Bot- Uhm… I have mixed feeling about this episode, so first the things I liked.

I love the dynamic between Miles and Hurley, especially with all the Star Wars banter. It was great to get some more character development with Miles, and his back story was somewhat interesting, especially since the Professor turned out to be his dad. Hurley writing Empire Strikes Back solely to add “improvements”, such as those sucky Ewoks. This new amicable relationship of Sawyer and Jack, change is nice.

What I didn’t like: Kate fucking things up…again. The fact that we are 12 episodes into this season and it feels like nothing significant has happened. They keep mentioning the “shadow of the statue”, another fucking answer we are kept waiting on. Jack sticking up for Kate, “Her heart was in the right place.” My ass.

I still love LOST, I really do. But I am just feeling like we are being strung along as the writers try to figure it all out. I haven’t “hated” any episode this season per say, but I find my self being very bored and frustrated with some of them. Nothing super significant is happening and we are moving forward at a super slow pace. I am all for character development, but you have to give us something; some answers, some action, some profound goings-ons. Something more than all this time-travel spider-web that they seem to be weaving “Oh, so that’s why that happened, cool.”

All in all, I want that excitement and “HOLY SHIT!” feeling I have felt in previous seasons, something I have only felt in maybe two or three episodes this year…

What are your thoughts Proletaria-Tron?

Proletaria-Tron- For once I liked something more than you. This episode was more entertaining than most of the season. Hurley and Miles together is great. Hurley is just a big dumb guy trying to make the best of things and Miles is an asshole, it’s great. I was happy to finally get some backstory on him and why he ended up on the island. However, if you hadn’t already figured out the Chang was his dad then you need to pay closer attention. That “answer” was more of a confimation for me.

Kate’s a waste of time, you know, I know it, we all know it. She’s whiny and boring and causes problems. All we can hope for is that she dies this season. Soon. Hopefully in 2 weeks when we get a legit episode and not a special. She fucks up, Jack defends her, Blah Blah Blah same thing for a while now. Jack is still boring but I think he’s ok with that. He went from all pressure all the time to being a janitor. I have a feeling there will be a switch back to his old ways soon enough.

Now I can kind of agree with you about the “answers” were getting. Ok we saw them building the Hatch which was kinda cool but it’s not really an answer its more of a “ohhh cool” which I think they are probably going to do more of. Showing viewers how the Island got into the position we all knew. But then they throw in the “what lies in the shadow of the statue” shit and that just leaves us with another fucking question. They’re bastards.

So I liked this episode and I have two last things to say about it. Faraday is back and that makes the whole episode worth it! Faraday is the shit and he will make things interesting. Also Hurley is a big dumb fat guy and still a better writer than George Lucas.